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St. Brigid's Primary School, Downpatrick
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In Primary One, we provide a curriculum planned to suit the needs of each individual child. 

Language. Literacy and Communication  


In literacy in P1, we focus on teaching and developing phonological awareness. Children will be given lots of opportunities to word build and to explore rhyme, syllables and alliteration. We follow the Jolly Phonics programme in Primary One. Phonics is the building blocks for reading and writing in the early years.


We foster a love of reading in primary one from a very early age. We develop language skills through shared and guided reading sessions. We encourage our children to sound out new and unfamiliar words, to look at the picture to give them a clue, to read on and see what word will make sense. We work on developing these key reading strategies to ensure each child progresses at their own developmental stage.   


Learning to write requires children to use multiple physical and mental processes at the same time. Writing combines many skills and relies on development in areas not just specific to writing. It requires well developed fine motor skills—the ability to use muscles in the fingers and hands; the attention to concentrate for periods of time; memory to generate ideas and remember what sounds look like to write words; and the language to be able to express themselves.  We encourage our children to take risks with their writing and praise every effort made.  


In Primary One we are expanding our knowledge and understanding within the five main areas of Numeracy - Processes in Mathematics, Number, Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space; All children have access to the online programme Mathletics. 

Play Based Learning  

Play is an extremely important part of our curriculum in the Foundation Stage. 

‘Children learn best when learning is interactive, practical and enjoyable’. 

Children learn best when learning is connected. Our children will experience all areas of learning during play – arts, language and literacy, mathematics and numeracy, PDMU, PE, WAU and ICT. We plan play through a topic-based approach because it provides opportunities to develop learning across the Curriculum.  


ICT is embedded in to classroom learning and teaching. Our classroom is equipped with computers, interactive boards and iPads. We encourage are children to develop essential skills necessary for communicating in the modern world.  

Religious Education 

We believe that religion is not just a taught subject, rather it is a way to live out our faith and therefore an integral part of our school day. We follow the ‘Grow in Love’ programme during our religious hour, learning new songs and prayers during each session.  

We have a great team here in Primary One in St Brigid’s; 

Mrs McCavera - Class Teacher 

Miss McQuoid - Classroom Assistant 

Mrs Martin - Classroom Assistant  

We hope you enjoy our class page! 



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