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St. Brigid's Primary School, Downpatrick
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Welcome to Primary 6

Primary 6 is an exciting and fun year! It is full of lots of fantastic opportunities to learn and grow together. 

Our teacher is Mr O’Rourke and our classroom assistants are Mrs Hanna, Mrs Smyth and Mrs Steele.   


In Primary 6 we encourage a love of reading and writing! Our daily Literacy lessons cover a wide range of skills and topics through comprehension, phonics, punctuation and grammar, editing skills and writing activities. We continually develop our talking and listening skills through drama games, hot seating, presenting and debates. 


In Primary 6, we will also be expanding our knowledge and understanding within the five main areas of Numeracy - Processes in Mathematics, Number, Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space. We love learning through practical experiences, both indoors and outdoors and developing our problem-solving skills. 

Primary 6 are using Mathletics to develop their mental maths skills.  

World Around Us 

In P6 this year we look forward to learning through our cross-curricular topics of; The Great Famine (An Gorta Mor), Electricity, Ancient Egypt, Water and the Titanic. We develop our Thinking Skills and Capabilities, all whilst having fun together. 


Each term we focus on a different ‘Using ICT’ desirable feature. Developing our skills throughout the term, we then put these into action and complete our final project. Some of the foci includes Computational Thinking and Coding, Music & Sound, Film & Animation, and many, many more. 


Primary 6 are members of our school choir and lots of us receive small group tuition. This year we will be developing our skills in listening, composition, and performance. Mr McVeigh will also be providing us with some fun filled music lessons throughout the year!


Primary 6 enjoy participating in PE lessons each week. We will be focusing on Swimming and Gymnastics in the first term. We look forward to our dance and games lessons later in the year. We love playing together, staying active and keeping fit! 



21st Feb 2025
This week, we celebrated Safer Internet Week (a little later than usual due to half-term!)...
18th Oct 2024
To celebrate EU Code Week, every class took part in some coding classes, learning...

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