Welcome to Primary 6/7
Welcome to Primary 6/7! Mrs Devlin is the class teacher and we are very lucky to have four classroom assistants to support us with our learning: Ms Brennan, Miss Cullen, Mr Reynolds and Miss Armstrong.
Our PE days are on a Monday and Thursday when we participate in Games, Gymnastics, Dance and Athletics. Later in the year, we will have the opportunity to attend swimming lessons.
In ICT, we will focus on learning how to stay safe online. We will also complete a range of UICT tasks focussing this year on Managing Data, Online Communication, Digital Storytelling – Publishing and Film & Animation. We are very lucky to have the expertise of Mr Reynolds (ICT technician) in our class to enhance the children's learning opportunities in ICT. In P6/7, children can bring their own devices to school daily and have lots of opportunities to type and edit their work whilst developing essential word processing skills. Children will use their ipads daily to record their work during practical learning opportunities and present their learning to the class.
Children will benefit from many practical learning opportunities across the curriculum through Literacy, Numeracy and World Around Us.
P6 and P7 children have the chance to star in our school show every year. We are excited to see what show the children will perform this year!
Our P7 children will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on 21st May 2025. A highlight of P7 every year is our annual trip to Share Centre in Fermanagh which takes place 28th - 30th April 2025. P7 children take on leadership roles as Buddies to our P1 pupils whom we can't wait to meet over the coming weeks.
Keep an eye on our class page to see all the enjoyment we have with our learning this year!
Class Photograph

Latest Photographs

The P6/7 Team

P6/7 Teacher

P6/7 SEN Assistant

P6/7 SEN Assistant

P6/7 SEN Assistant/IT Technician

P6/7 SEN Assistant