Welcome to Primary Five!
Primary Five is our first year in Key Stage Two and it will be such an exciting year to learn and grow together!
We have a great team here in Primary Five. Our teacher is Miss Bogues and our lovely classroom assistants are: Miss Armstrong, Mrs Martin, Miss Pyper and Mrs Rogan.
In Primary 5, we encourage a love of reading and writing! Our daily Literacy lessons are split into five main strands: Comprehension, Phonics, Punctuation and Grammar, Editing Skills and Writing activities. We also continually develop our talking and listening skills through drama games, presenting to others and class debates.
In Primary 5, we will also be expanding our knowledge and understanding within the five main areas of Numeracy: Processes in Mathematics, Number, Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space. We love learning through Active Learning experiences, both indoors and outdoors and developing our problem-solving skills.
Primary 5 are also using Mathletics to develop their Mental Maths skills. Each week we strive to achieve a minimum of 1000 points. Throughout the year, we will also take part in various Numeracy challenges to expand our problem-solving skills, both inside and outside the classroom.
World Around Us
In P5 this year we look forward to learning through our cross-curricular topics. Our first topic is Wonderful Me! We explore all our topics through Active Learning opportunities whilst developing our Thinking Skills and Capabilities, all whilst having fun together.
Religious Education
As a Catholic School, faith is at the centre of our school ethos. We believe that religion is not just a subject that is taught, rather it is a way to live out our faith and we aim to be good Christians in all we do. In class, we follow the ‘Grow in Love’ programme, exploring bible stories and studying the lessons they hold for us in our lives.
Each term we focus on a different ‘Using ICT’ aspect. We will develop our skills throughout the term by studying Managing Data, Online Communication and Digital Storytelling. We will then put together a final finished piece relating to digital storytelling.
Primary 5 are members of our school choir and lots of us receive small group tuition. This year we will be developing our skills in Listening, Composition and Performance.
Physical Education
Primary 5 enjoy participating in PE lessons each week. We will be focusing on Gymnastics and Swimming in the first term!
Stay tuned to our class page to see what we get up to throughout the year!
Class Photograph

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