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St. Brigid's Primary School, Downpatrick
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2022/2023 School Year

5th Oct 2022
The Primary 7 children from Mr O’Rourke and Miss Cunningham’s class...
5th Oct 2022
Today the Primary 6 children from Mrs Quigley and Mr O’Rourke’s classes...
4th Oct 2022
Today the Primary 7 children kick started their resilience programme, facilitated...
2nd Oct 2022  
24th Sep 2022  
17th Sep 2022 
17th Sep 2022
This week we have been learning about length.  We compared and ordered...
15th Sep 2022
In Primary Three, we are exploring the topic ‘Food Glorious Food’ and...
14th Sep 2022
What a fantastic day we had yesterday celebrating Roald Dahl Day. We all dressed...
13th Sep 2022