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St. Brigid's Primary School, Downpatrick
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2021/2022 School Year

18th Feb 2022  
13th Feb 2022  
12th Feb 2022
This week we carried out a volcano experiment in Primary Four. We took turns adding...
11th Feb 2022
The Digital Leaders prepared an iMovie of their top tips for staying safe online. 
10th Feb 2022
P5/6 have been enjoying their topic of Vikings so much! Take a look at the talent...
9th Feb 2022
As part of Children's Mental Health Week Primary 6 participated in an excellent...
9th Feb 2022
Primary 6 enjoyed discussing this year's theme "All Fun and Games: Exploring Respect...
8th Feb 2022
Today each class celebrated Safer Internet Day, exploring the theme ‘All Fun...
5th Feb 2022