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St. Brigid's Primary School, Downpatrick
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2020/2021 School Year

7th Dec 2020
Primary 6 have well and truly got into the spirit of Christmas, and are very proud...
7th Dec 2020
The boys and girls in P2 had a delicious Christmas Dinner on Friday! Thank you to...
6th Dec 2020  
4th Dec 2020
Here's our Primary 5 children enjoying their Christmas Dinner this year. They all...
3rd Dec 2020
P2 are really enjoying learning about our new topic of the Jungle! They have loved...
3rd Dec 2020
As part of our rainforest topic, we have been learning about tribes of the rainforest....
1st Dec 2020
In P6/7 we have been focusing on our word problem skills. We use RUCSAC to help...
28th Nov 2020