News - P2/3
2019/2020 School Year
8th May 2020
Healthy Kidz Virtual Sport's Day - prizes to be won!
During the month of May we...
10th Apr 2020
As our term two comes to an end, I would like to thank all the boys and girls for...
16th Mar 2020
Dear Parents,
In the interest of protecting and safeguarding our whole community...
16th Mar 2020
Dear Parents,
Today we have received an email from the Minister...
15th Mar 2020
Dear Parents/ Guardians
The arrangements for school reopening after the St. Patrick's...
29th Jan 2020
St Brigid's Primary School had an amazing day celebrating our Grandparents. It was...
28th Jan 2020
The deadline is approaching for Primary Admissions. Remember you must apply before...
27th Jan 2020
The school put their creativity to use to start off the Catholic School Week celebrations...
15th Jan 2020
Miss Braniff & 2 P7 girls represented the school to recognise our support in...